Thursday, May 13, 2010

The Good, The Bad, and Yahoo!

The Good, The Bad, and Yahoo!

Yahoo has recently argued that simply comply with Chinese law when transferring personal data Syaonin Wang, the Chinese, who were openly critical of the Chinese government. Van Syaonin was sentenced to ten years in prison. His heinous crimes promoting democracy through an Internet forum. In response to this and other incidents, Yahoo is being sued in a U.S. court for aiding and abetting torture in China. Yahoo, in response to a lawsuit? Customers knew the risks they take when they violate Chinese law.
My opinion on this? Yahoo would never open a store in China in the first place. Yes, they should abide by Chinese laws, if they are operating there, but when it's time refuse to do business with repressive regimes?

national legal and political center of the American ethic groups appealed to Congress to prevent Google to allow pirated movies to appear on YouTube. They are very, very upset about that. My opinion on this? Copyright infringement and piracy of movies? Ye Gads the world goes to hell in a handbasket. If this is the worst thing you do, you're still better than anyone else. I'm always first in line for a pirated version of anything. Thus, if you have something good, let me know.
In the news, so strange you think it should be a hoax, Google is now the court for $ 5 in the American people (figures) named Dylan Stephen Jayne who says that when his Social Security number is considered on its head, it forms a paid version of the word "Google" and, consequently, his life is in danger. His complaint to the court was also manually. This person probably distantly related to me, as crazy jokes of this kind seem out of control through the genes Joyce. Also, when I write the first letter of my favorite groups, 12 punk, it forms an anagram of "Jane's crazy" so I think this is my last post, seeing as I'll soon be executed. Um, I think that my take on this this way, were made quite clear. This guy can take to make a freight train take the dirt road.
Microsoft seeking seeking $ 100.000 in damages per domain name typo-squatting case against Anthony Peppler. Peppler could be on the hook for the past 9.5 million. Apparently, this terrible man bought domain names that are "similar" to the MSN domains. For example, if you're an idiot, and you incorrectly MSN, you can apply to one domain Peppler. Apparently, this is a bad idea to mislead consumers. My opinion on this? If you typed in MSN related site, you deserve to get cheated. Peppler should take one step forward and create software that appears in the fist of the computer screen the user to hit MSN users face.
Let me know if I missed any other flagrant abuses of public trust ...


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