Thursday, May 13, 2010

Google is not God

Google is not God

Google offers one of best tools to webmasters in the business. No doubt they are the leader when it comes to Internet search engines and webmaster related stuff. Nevertheless, wake webmaster, Google is not God.
I am a member of many forums for webmasters, and I always see threads asking this or that permitted by Google. Some things are directly related to the services of Google Adsense, as well as Adwords. Nevertheless, many webmasters just ask what they can or can not do on your site. You, the webmaster, your own website! Google may lower the ratings of the search, but with the right marketing and advertising, this will not mean an end to your website.
Look at the blog, John Chow. He did not even rank the words "John Chow." His blog is still one of the most profitable on the Internet. I'm not saying you should not try to rank high on Google. I'm not saying you should say: "FU Google." What I want to say that your site should be built for you and your readers, not Google. You should not spend all your time worrying, and all that you say or do, will be removed from Google.

In truth, they need us, as we need them. Their rules are generally fair and try to prevent spam sites to reach the summit. If you're ethical webmasters should never be a problem. If you are trying to deceptive tactics to knock the competition, you can get.
Be the best webmaster you can and do all honest link building and advertising you and your site will be successful. Above all, remember, Google is not God!


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