Thursday, May 13, 2010

Optimization of the Wordpress blog for Google: Part 2

Optimization of the Wordpress blog for Google: Part 2

This is part 2 of our series on how to optimize Wordpress Blog for Google. In our previous publication, we discussed how to avoid duplicate content penalty, when blogging software blogging Wordpress, today we will share how to optimize your Wordpress blog for search engine friendliness, especially for the search engine Google.
Linking your blog
from your blog to be relevant related in one way or another, you should have no problem link the previous post from time to time new blog posts. In addition, it would not hurt to change the older blog posts relevant to include relevant links to new posts. This will not only improve your internal link structure, it can also help to improve the relevance of the keyword for specific pages, if you use keyword targeting, or descriptive anchor text for internal URL.
Another approach is to improve link popularity and improve the visibility of your blog's internal pages offer a map that will be useful to users, and work to help the search engines spiders.
Sitemaps XML, such as the type used in your account area Google's Webmaster, to read only the search engine robots. Offering a "static" map (although in fact it is usually dynamically), you give your visitors a place where they can easily view the blog's name and find topics that interest them. You can manually update the map (not recommended for large Web sites or blogs), or you can hire a programmer to create a page that asks for Wordpress database and lists all the mails. There is also a plug-in Wordpress, which will build a sitemap for your blog, Sitemap Generator Plugin, this is one of the most versatile card generator for Wordpress.

For those of you who are interested only in the use of XML sitemap for your blog WordPress, Google Sitemaps generator will build one for you, and this generator will create a XML sitemap sitemap, which can be read on Google, Yahoo, Ask and MSN, as well.
Post the quality and content of
natural link building is about providing useful information if you give the site visitors that they are looking for a percentage of the readers of the blog has a link to what they consider useful or useful. Permanent placement of informative and useful content in his blog practically guarantees a steady stream of new inbound links, without any additional effort from you all the time increasing your blogs, link popularity and overall visibility.
Optimizing Wordpress blog for Google
now that you have taken steps to make it easier to duplicate the content of your blog and work to create link popularity of internal pages of the blog, it's time to optimize Wordpress blog for maximum convenience search.
Creating search engine friendly URL's
Wordpress blogs, by default, the map location of pages with query strings for the submission of individual pages, such as :
Now, search engines have come a long way since their conception, and most of the major search engines can crawl and index will be what seems to be dynamically generated pages using query strings, and creating search engine friendly URL, will not only help improve the relevancy of pages certain key words, using descriptive URL may increase the CTR of the SERPS (search results pages), as well.
To set up search engine friendly URL, simply log into your administration area Wordpress, then click the Advanced button>> constants. On standing, you see, the choice of options and radio buttons. Most users will choose the date and name based option, though, if you know what you're doing, you can choose to customize and enter the desired location reference structure.
After installation, search engine friendly URL, you will probably have to change your site. Htaccess file, if you happen to be writable by default.
Example. Htaccess code for blogging
code is an example of what you have to add to your file. Htaccess file:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteCond% (REQUEST_FILENAME)!-fi
RewriteRule. / Index.php [L]
This code is available for example only, and does not guarantee that the work on the server.
Warning: change. Htaccess file with caution! Prior to update this file, you must create a backup copy, so if for some reason your site cafeterias, because the code that you added, you have a working backup file.
For more information on Wordpress permanent You can check more information about using permanent site Wordpress.
Add a unique title pages to your Wordpress blog
title of the webpage is the most important on-site element in relation to optimization for search engines. By default, Wordpress forces deployment name as the title page itself, but, in the opinion of leading experts SEO optimization, as Faux-pas. You should totally unique page titles for each page of your blog, and you must avoid repeating the title page in the title tag when this is possible.
Perhaps the most effective optimization Wordpress plugin called SEO Title Tag plugin. This plugin allows you to create a unique home page blog, no additional pages, its category and archive pages, and every post on his blog. As an added bonus, you can "change the amount of" up to 20 pages at a time, so if you happen to have hundreds of posts in his blog already, it's not too much of a chore, so that each one is unique.
For best results when creating titles for Your blog title should be keyword-targeted, concise content of the pages and descriptive enough to encourage clicks from SERPS. Your most important keywords or key phrases should be in the early chapters, and you must keep the names short, at least, as a rule, the recommended method for optimization among professionals.
Adding meta keywords and descriptions to your Wordpress blog
secular discussion about whether meta-tag description and meta tag keyword is useful for search engine optimization today, will undoubtedly continue, but there's one thing for certain, when you add these meta tags to your blog with respect and not trying to keyword stuff related phrases, and insistently repeating words over and over again, these tags are, of course, have not been proven to hurt the rating.
In fact, if you have not noticed, some time ago, Google started to use meta-tag descriptions in search results. Or no, this is reflected in raising the rating has not yet been formally identified, but Google, of course, put the meta tag description to use, no doubt about it.
Probably the easiest to use a meta tag plugin for Wordpress is the Add Meta Tags plugin. With this plugin, you can specify meta keywords and meta description for home page, category pages, and each unique posting. Using this Wordpress plugin with label plugin SEO Title plugin provides a powerful combination that will undoubtedly improve the overall usability blog search engine Wordpress.
Although the advice contained in this two part series on how to optimize your Wordpress blog to Google, will undoubtedly help improve the overall usability search the blog, it can not be understated, if you want your blog to be successful, you need to offer something your readers that will keep them coming back again and again. In the end, people do not care what you've spent days, months or even years to promote and optimize your blog for search engines, and if you do not give people something that is beneficial for them, your blog will eventually be a "blog graveyard" among splogs FM and outdated blogs the past. No form of optimization can compensate for the inability blogs share informative and useful information with their readers.
Now, if you already have a "unique and useful" square on the content, with advice contained in this series, part 2, you'll do something that 80% of its competitors does not, thus exponentially increasing your chances of being ranked higher in the SERPS, more natural visitors and ultimately more money to your financial bottom line.


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