Thursday, May 13, 2010

Subdomains and subdirectories? That is the question

Subdomains and subdirectories? That is the question

That is another question that many people ask. One client asked recently when using subdomains to hurt or help his efforts, SEO.
My answer: Subdomains are as stand-alone Web sites without the advantage that the present domain name. You can create entire web sites on subdomains, but they will not help a website on the actual domain and subdomains have less weight than the site of the actual domain name. / Folders will add content to your site. If what you want to put on a subdomain does not help your site, it is better to get a domain name for this content. Google was hesitant about how they relate to the subdomains.
So I looked at it in Google webmaster blog just to be uverennym.Poddomeny against poddirektoriiKakaya difference between using subdomains and subdirectories? When it comes to Google, there are no significant differences between them, so when you make that decision, do what works for you and your guests.
In addition to these reasons, if you use the webmaster (we hope you are doing!) Keep in mind that you will automatically checked for deep subdirectories of any sites you have seen, but subdomains should be tested separately.
Thus, they are the same in terms of SEO, at least for Google. Remember, you have traffic from other search engines, as well. The blog Google Webmaster applies only to Google optimization. Recommendations Matt Cutts also gives us only about Google optimization.
Some search engines may treat subdomains as separate sites and directories and folders as part of the website. So the safest way for SEO purposes is to use subfolders and folder content should be considered as part of your site.
This is from Matt Cutts on how Google treats subdomains and subdirectories;

My personal preference on subdomains against directories that I usually prefer the convenience of subdirectories for most of my content.
subdomain can be useful to select the contents are quite different. Google uses subdomains for various products, such or, for example.
If you are a new webmaster or SEO, I recommend using subdirectories until you start to feel pretty confident with the architecture of your site. At this stage, you'll be better prepared to make the right decision for your own site.
Remember the principle of KISS. Keep it simple and stupid. The more you complicate your efforts to SEO, you probably will make mistakes.
In addition, Google changed its policy on subdomains more than once. They have always believed subdirectories content for your site. Are you sure you want to put all that effort to create a subdomain just to have them change that policy again? "
I recommend the subdirectories and folders, if you should use them at all. For most web sites I put all the web pages in the root folder for images, documents, scripts, styles, etc. This makes it very easy to work on your site when you make it so.
Excessive folders with different names keyword can make a URL, like spam. I can not prove that a problem, but everything that looks like spam, smells and tastes of spam, as spam, possible spam.
What experiences have you had with subdomains against the subdirectories? I do not mean to Google. How do they do it for you and Bing Yahoo or other search engines?


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