Friday, May 14, 2010

Use all the tails in your marketing strategy search

Use all the tails in your marketing strategy search
Today I would like briefly, why the long tail is important, but also why it should only be part of your overall marketing strategy for search. Understanding of the key cycle Let us briefly discuss the conditions that the head and long tail for those of you who do not know with this concept.
People are looking for things in different ways, and they usually pass through a cycle that looks something like this:

One begins to look for a new laptop, but they really do not know what the market. And they begin their search with the head of the term as "laptop
As a person learns more about the topic, maybe they decided that they are most interested in the "Dell laptop, so they seek out this short phrase, the tail, hoping to find more information about this brand.

Now they get an idea of what price range, but they want to see if they can find a better deal. So the man begins to use the lengthy tail, like "Dell laptop for under $ 1000 ',' cheap laptops Dell ', etc.

Does this process sound familiar? It should, because we all do it! The less we know about the subject, the more we tend to use the head or tail of short phrases. More familiar with the topic we are, the more likely we are to start searching from the medium and long tail phrases.

As you can guess, as a rule more quickly get a lot more traffic. But, because they are more general in nature, they usually do not turn very well. Long sentences, fewer searches, but usually convert better, because this type of person has a better idea of what they are looking.

The advantages of short and long tails and short and long tail words have their place in search marketing strategies. One mistake that many companies are doing is only going after one or the other. But a coherent strategy will benefit both.

Here is a brief summary of things to consider with each of them: Chairman and short phrases Tail lure of big traffic because companies are going after these conditions. However, if you can get a good rating in a short time you will get a lot of traffic for it.

Of course, you can not get more hits on these terms, but they help build your brand, which in turn will lead to more sales later. Thus, the head and tail are short phrases: Create many searches do not have a high conversion efficiency can be useful for branding objectives tend to be more competitive long tail phrases as you can see from the graph, there are many more long tail phrases, than there are head and tail short time.

Together, we can get a lot of traffic this way, despite some lengthy tail can not generate more traffic on their own. But since they usually convert better, if you want to rank and everywhere on this phrase. Thus, the head and tail short phrases:

Do not get a lot of traffic individually, but together can form a significant part of your site's traffic
Converting better
An estimated 20% of searches never had before, so it is impossible to optimize all of them
Use all your tail! " Having a good position in a shorter time you put your company to the purchaser until they are at an early stage of their search.

But do not stop there! The goal here is to get your site to the searcher at all stages of the search cycle. Let us return to the example in which the laptop. What if your company had the most searches they did, both short and long tail? What do you think they notice it and consider your site as one of the most urgent of them on this subject? That's one reason why it's important to have a complete strategy keyword. You should consider how long and short phrases. Need to get your site to as many people as you can get referrals and you can do so through the board, including both short and long tail phrases in your efforts to optimize.

Optimization for the "long tail" of the problem of optimizing for long tail that There are so many of them. And the fact that approximately 20% of the search for new, something you can not optimize for most of them anyway! So what can you do to enable these long tail phrases to optimize your site? Here are some tips:

Use a good keyword tool to get an idea of what a well-known long tail phrases.
Analysts See additional ideas about where you get the traffic and conversions with.
For each page is optimized to use the 1-3 key phrases in the copy, and include a long tail variations of them.

Vary your anchor text when you create a link with a long tail changes.
If your site has a blog, write content, based on long tail phrases. Then the relationship with these long tail phrases back to the main page of your site that is optimized for the base sentence.

The good news is that the ranking for long tail phrases, usually not too difficult. Keep an eye on your analytics to see what's working and adjust it from there. When you do, you get a better idea of the types of terms that are used in your industry.


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