Thursday, May 13, 2010

What customers want to know or the FAQ on SEO-process.

What customers want to know or the FAQ on SEO-process.

The first part of the article is devoted to general issues. This cluster is typical for customers who do not just need a service site promotion for granted, they are trying to penetrate into the mechanism of promotion of sites.
Let us examine each issue in more detail:
1. What is site promotion?
The answer to this question in sufficient detail in the well-known throughout the encyclopedia.
2. My company is located in Orenburg, but I want to move not only in Orenburg, but also to Moscow - is that possible?
In this case, it is a regional promotion, which started talking seriously last summer when the SERP in the Moscow region was different from the issue in other regions, that is missing the concept of the All-Russian issue. In order for the site is well advanced in various parts of the site should be "awarded" the region. Assigned a region of the site with the help of the webmaster Yandex, which necessarily have to register the site.
3. Does on the promotion of "age" domain?
Age factor domain, of course, affect the ranking of the site, because so many artists began to ask customers about this paragraph. Unfortunately, as practice shows, promotion of new sites, whose age is less than a year, is very slow, and the result is not always stable. In this case, the promotion of high-demand practically meaningless.
4. And you are white or black promotional methods?
The question often asked by customers, while nothing concrete meaning. At that very calmly Company Executive, responded that uses only white methods for promotion. At the same time, as a rule, the dialogue ends - all quiet. The issue of black and white techniques is now very questionable. On the one hand, the algorithms of search engines have become much "smarter" in the definition of different doorway technologies, XSS-attack to wrap a reference weight, technology, cloaking, hidden text, etc. On the other hand, the companies themselves are trying to advance to avoid the risk of using these technologies, making optimization (technical and textual) and buying links on various platforms and systems.
5. Why do you think promote effective contextual advertising?
The question on which there is no single answer. You must first define the purpose of the campaign and the period of its implementation, to make projections of costs and attracting users with contextual advertising and promotion of the site, calculate the average cost of the visitor. No two identical campaigns, as no two customer sites! Only after careful analysis we can say what tool of internet marketing will be more effective.
6. I would like to move some of their sites to the same request, is it possible?
This is possible but extremely difficult and risky, because to be considered a sufficiently large number of parameters to eliminate the risk imposed on the filter sites for affiliation.
7. Why is the site on a flash bad for advancement?
That site in flash is not indexed search engine robots to speak incorrectly. However, it is important to remember that ceteris paribus site in flash (ie website, and not just a banner or a cap on the site, etc.) will be indexed worse. The work on optimization of flash are very extensive and involves many difficulties, and the result in the issuing site may not be so, as expected by the customer.
8. How to distinguish a bona fide company from the company-Dummy?
Verify the company from which you order the service is very simple:
· Look in the portfolio;
· Ask companies to provide information about themselves, about their projects and their positions at the moment;
· Look for mention of the company on any other specialized resources, forums;
• possibility, the company has participated in conferences, exhibitions, has to its credit the publication or article, describing its professionalism;
· Ask for a service contract;
Also, the positive momentum will be the availability of customer feedback the company Executive.
9. How do I switch from one SEO-company to another with minimal loss?
If a client wants to change the company of the Executive, but is afraid of losing the results already achieved, it is recommended that before moving a few steps:
request the Executive report on reference resources that are currently used;
refer to the analysis of the new company, in this case examines the exchange options, grid sites that bought links, with a view to their eventual "overbought": since the old company, the Executive must withdraw reference;
avoid unpleasant moments with the removal of various information on the site, you need to arrange to collect from the customer all access to the site and change your password once will make a full copy of the site.
Questions of cost and guarantees:
In what scheme do you do?
What you give guarantees?
How long until you warrant TOP10?
Why can not guarantee 100% in Top?
Why you can not guarantee me a top-3, 5?
Why do not warrant the position in other search engine?
Will you return the money if the result would not?
Why so expensive? In other cheaper ....
This block of questions in most cases is typical for customers who had once used the services of promotion, but for various reasons they were not satisfied. Once burned by milk, customers in this case, even blow on the water, asking a lot of questions about what will happen to their money, if the result of promotion and will not appear.
Note that the questions seemed to us interconnected with each other, that is the answer to one question arises from the answer to another. As a consequence, all answers are represented by the text.
So, the question of guarantees now in most cases reduces to the scheme, which employs SEO-company. Today, there are at least three popular strategies for mutual musician and customer service:
subscription fee for their work in progress: the option, when one and the same amount is paid monthly. Typically, companies large businesses make tough budgeting its expenses for months and even years into the future, so a more convenient version of this work. Such a scheme of payments offered by the companies with the promoted brand, selling, first of all, his "name", rather than offering customers the settlement scheme.
monthly fee + fee: This scheme involves starting with smaller amounts that are collected monthly by the Executive on the need to move while in the case, prompting the top ten search engine, the customer pays extra so-called rewards for achieved results. This scheme is good for small and medium businesses, it avoids the high costs at the start of promotion, to invest more resources in a time when the economic returns will go, with the upper ceiling cost these companies have always known.
Deposit: This scheme differs from the schemes' monthly fee + fee "in order that the starting amount will be charged only once. All subsequent months the Executive is taking to advance money only from the earned rewards, and the remaining amount - the profit performer. Scheme at first glance is good, but the singer in this case provides all the risks in the amount of compensation, so the latter can be substantially more compensation from the second circuit.
Once again, we note that the data circuit calculations to date the most popular is the scheme, when the aggregates are calculated visibility in search engines, set limits for these indicators and undertake various prizes (rewards) for achieving results. There are schemes where companies are beginning to promote sites without any money, and when a result of an invoice to the customer.
Note: In this case, be especially careful, the site can move forward with methods that lead to sanctions from the search engines, the result can be of short duration, after which the site is rapidly losing its position and visitors, respectively.
Responding to questions 2-5, it is important to remember that the search engine - a hardware-software complex, built on a hundred ranking factors, as well as thousands of combinations of these factors, each of which may have a decisive importance for the final position of the site on request. Most companies only know the basic principles of ranking, which help them with a certain probability to achieve the desired result (according to Yandex staff, even they do not know all the principles of ranking)). That's why no one can guarantee 100% customer in Top or all queries in the top 3, unless the customer is not going to move on demand, for which there is no competition.
Regarding the timing of withdrawal requests in the top 10, you can talk a long time, everyone chooses his own approach:
Someone breaks up the list of requests for the group, each group ensures a period of withdrawal (from 2 weeks at the most low-frequency queries (up to 90-100% of requests) to 4-6 months at the most high-requests (up to 80% of the data query));
Someone set a deadline for the entire list of requests (usually 2-3 months of the withdrawal of 70-80% in the top);
Someone does not guarantee timing, focusing not on the position, but on an aggregated visibility on attendance rates, etc.
It is important that in this case the customer does not believe blindly tempting ads "Top two weeks, it is better to read carefully about the items of the contract terms and guarantees.
The issue positions of other search engines open, someone guaranteed positions in Google, Mail, and Rambler, respectively, takes money for it. From the perspective of the customer the most reasonable tactic is to order only in Yandex:
First, with this system is more than half of all conversions to the sites Runet;
secondly, the link, which appears to move in Yandex, work and other search engines.
If after 2-3 months when the customer will positions in search engines, it is by analyzing the statistics of site traffic will come to the conclusion that other search engines it is important, it is possible to order the service of promotion and in them, while in a contract should negotiate compensation for inquiries which have already been in Top, so as not to overpay.
Now consider the questions of payment:
1. And you work with VAT? No ...
Often a situation arises when the customer organization is working on a common system of taxation and, therefore, have a responsibility to pay tax on value added, and the company NIC - the organization on a simplified tax system - not a tax agent for VAT purposes.
In this case, the customer may be a negative reaction, based on bytuyuschem agree that by entering into contractual agreement with the contractor firm will not reimburse the sums paid from the budget of VAT.
This view is one of the gravest errors. Everyone knows that working with a VAT invoice to the organization to its customers, increasing the actual value of the goods / services in the amount of VAT (from 10 to 18%). For example, the service cost 10000 rubles. And by you will pay for 11800 rubles. Thus, paying for such an account, you are distracted from the turnover of 1800 rubles. When selling their products and services, you in turn "Wind the" on the price of the top 18% and then receiving payment from the supplier, transfer the money in the budget. For example, you have services at 15000, a bill to 17700 rubles. The budget you have to list 2700, and can reduce this amount to those in 1800, that - to pay the supplier, ie, list 900 rub. But it turns out that in any case you will pay the same amount of VAT 2700, depending on the value of your sales, but do not forget that VAT can only be taken into account at the end of the tax period, ie First, you still pay into the budget and all of 2700, and your 1800! Then - a few months they will take into account when buying the next.
The message is clear: work with the supplier of non-VAT is more advantageous from the viewpoint of financial management and more straightforward in terms of accounting (no need to calculate and remit taxes). And no fraud!
2. And I pay for your services in cash?
According to the Federal Law of 22.05.2003 № 54-FZ "On the use of cash technology in carrying out cash payments u (or) calculations with the use of payment cards in carrying out transactions between organizations in cash must use cash register technology (CCT) . The main transactions between entities recognized as non-cash, ie through the current account.
If the customer is an individual and wants to order services, the customer can make a bank transfer to our account from virtually any commercial bank without even opening a checking account, but of course this will affect some additional costs.
It is also often used for mutual online currency converter (WM, Yandex.Money), use that no one has forbidden.
3. Why is the offer a sum, and in the contract completely different?
Such a situation may arise when the company, the Executive or not the voice of the customer any additional payments during the consultation to promote the site, or the client does not carefully read the offer or contract. Always look for items of the contract, which defines the final price and warranty, as well as checking all the possible need for additional payments during the examination of the offer.
We hope that this article will help you better understand the services of internet marketing in general, and in the promotion (promotion) sites, in particular.


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