Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Rumored Sharp p-Si LCD Screen For iPhone 6 Could Lead To a Next-Generation Touch Screen

iphone 6 p-SI screen

Fresh rumors abound that Apple has contracted sharp to design and build a next-generation p-Si LCD screen for the iPhone 6. Find out how this new screen technology could be combined with a groundbreaking Apple patent for unprecedented gesture control.

Among the many features that iPhone users consistently look for innovation on is the iPhone’s screen. From the retina display to a larger, edge-to-edge screen, every new iPhone iteration holds the promise of higher resolution, 3D graphics, or any other number of innovations that make the user experience more interactive and dynamic.

With news that Apple has already tapped Sharp to design a new screen for the iPhone 6, it can be argued that there is now more excitement about the iPhone 6′s screen than the purported new screen dimensions of the iPhone 5.

If you’re not familiar with p-Si LCD screen technology, then get ready to be excited. IT Pro Portal has a typically great report on it, explaining that: “The iPhone 6, it is thought, could have a liquid crystal display using low-temperature poly-silicon technology, know-how that will allow smaller power consumption whilst featuring a much thinner and lighter screen.”

While at first glance this description may seem lackluster, highlighting nothing more than improved battery life and energy consumption, a closer look reveals a potentially groundbreaking new technology for the iPhone that, when combined with an ingenius Apple patent, could change the way that iPhone users interact with their iPhone forever
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