The countdown has begun. At the ‘Endhiran’ audio launch one common thread that connected all the speeches was the power of Sun Pictures that made ‘Endhiran’ possible in time. And the man behind Sun pictures, Kalanithi Maran for the first time happened to see and listen how much the pundits of the industry admire him.
After ‘Endhiran’ was acquired by Sun Pictures the movie got a new status and things moved fast. Now as the release date is announced everybody could not hide their admiration for the wonder man Kalanithi Maran.
In his speech at the audio launch Super Star Rajinikanth did not mince words in appreciating Kalanithi Maran. Rajini said "When we met Kalanithi Maran for the film he said we will make it even bigger than Sivaji.” A surprised Rajini went on to say "Kalanithi Maran does anything and everything bigger and better than others. That's why people who matter in India from all industries – cinema or otherwise – hunger to know who this man is. Everybody is waiting to get introduced to him. He is a biggest star of all stars."
Director Shankar said “Maran is a being who said no to nothing till we completed the film. And that was the main reason”.
The grandeur and the hype the film has even before its release could have been made possible only by Kalanithi Maran. He never attends public functions. But his presence in Kula Lumpur is a proof to how much he is serious with ‘Endhiran’. Remember he was also there at the sets on the final day of ‘Endhiran’ shooting.
Kalnithi Maran’s Midas touch is expected to peak with ‘Endhiran’. He shines with what ever he touches. All the speakers at the music launch, particularly SA Chandrasekaran, were very candid and vocal is expressing their admiration at the marketing intelligence of Kalanithi Maran.
It would be prefect and fitting to call Kalanithi Maran the real ‘Endhiran’ who with that extra ordinary intelligence to know what leads to what. ‘Endhiran’ has taken his stakes high and people would next expect only some thing better and bigger than ‘Endhiran’. Every body knows that he is capable of surpassing expectations.
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